Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Digital Photos

The Nature Conservancy recently had its 4th Annual Digital Photo Contest. Winning entries can be viewed at:

If you have amazing photos of nature then submit them to The Nature Conservancy via Flickr! Directions on how to do so are found on this webpage:

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

WWF's Earth Hour

World Wildlife Fund's 3rd Annual Earth Hour is March 27th, 2010 from 8:30 PM - 9:30 PM. Turn off all electricity during this time to raise awareness about climate change. This event makes a statement and asks future generations to address the growing climate issue. Earth Hour is a global event. It's only one hour out of the whole year; so participate!

more information can be found at www.myearthhour.org or www.earthhour.org
both links lead to the same site

Monday, March 22, 2010

Natural Resources Defense Council

Environmental Art Contest

Winning artwork is exhibited at the Nabi Gallery in New York. Six environmentally-themed pieces of artwork must be submitted online for consideration. The last day to upload artwork is April 6, 2010. Be a part of environmental awareness; submit your artwork!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Take a Moment

Visit oagivesmehope.co.cc and submit a story about how OA has helped you. Contribute; you never know who you may inspire.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Come Support!

OA Track & Field will be having a home meet against Rancho Alamitos Thursday @ 3:00. This is the first of only three home meets this year and anyone who can should attend.

Wish Good luck to all OA swimmers at their meet tomorrow as well.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

California State Parks Foundation

The CSPF has a survey on its website to collect information from the public about what is expected from state parks. Take the survey! at www.calparks.org It's a simple way to support a great organization. It doesn't take very long and the more voices that are heard the better.